“Let us fill our hearts with our own compassion
towards ourselves and towards all living beings.”
We are all faced with challenges and difficulties in different times of our journey through this life. Many of the difficult moments are either met with the maturity that we have developed through our personal emotional growth or with wounds left unhealed.
Many of these unhealed wounds stem from our childhood and illicit a host of unpleasant emotions. As adults it's sometimes difficult to return to a time in the past that influences how we feel presently.
We may have had parents or guardians that didn't have a clue of what they were doing, unaware of the damage they were creating for others in the process. Or, perhaps they were aware and just didn't care due to their unhealed wounds.
Many times we as children needed to be the adult. The shame and guilt from trauma and abuse and a host of other feelings may have been too much to bare. In shamanism it's recognized that part of the soul was fragmented from the souls entirety creating a fracture in ones personality .
If we are to move forward in this life and find a sense of inner peace, it's my feeling that we need to go back and incorporate the inner child back into our consciousness. We need to teach the child that it is now safe to feel and express our truth, to allow the unheard voice that was kept silent by those unable again to recognize their own wounded inner child.
Something that we can do is to go back to a time and envision ourself in the age and time that we felt the initial wounds. You can sit opposite your wounded inner child and ask it what it needs from you now. You can sit in your adult energy and comfort the child by listening and communicating on how you are now here to be there for yourself . You can comfort your inner child by holding it, if it so desires to be comforted.
I will leave you with this thought, we become whole when we reveal our darkness and by doing so the light can enter and start our journey to healing
. Offer Love to Your Inner Child
This is the invitation to silently offer these words of guided meditation to yourself:
Breathing in, I know that I am breathing in.Breathing out, I know that I am breathing outI bring my kind attention to the in-breath I bring my kind attention to the out-breath.
Breathing in, I am aware of my whole body, right hereBreathing out, I am aware of my whole body, right hereAware of body, here and now
Breathing in, I see myself as a five-year-old child, fragile and vulnerable.Breathing out, I smile to myself as a five-year-old child.
Breathing in, I am aware that the five-year-old child is in me.Breathing out, I hold this child tenderly.
We all deserve to be whole, we all deserve to validate our wounds.
I will leave you with this thought, we become whole when we reveal our darkness and by doing so the light can enter and start our journey to healing
Warm regards,
Adam Gell